Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1
By the end of the lesson, students can:
- Listen and read for specific information about Nick's, Phuc's and Mai's leisure activities practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to leisure activities
1. Knowledge:
a. Grammar : Verbs of liking + gerunds / + to-infinitives .
b. Lexical items : - Vocab: leisure activity items
c. Pronunciation: -Clusters: /br/ and /pr/
2. Skills:
- Listening, Speaking, Reading,Writing and interactive skills
3. Attitude:
- Cooperation, respect, having right and friendly attitudes with friends, teachers in the new school
4. Quality and competence:
- Be confident and friendly with the new school environment
- Develope listening, speaking skills and cooperative interaction
1.Teacher’s preparation:
- Lesson plan, Pictures, posters ,textbook,CD-MP3(Computer-Multi projector/cassette/ “sách mềm”) and other materials
2.Students’ preparation:
- Textbook, notebook, school things.
- Pair work , individual work, group work, T-WC
1-Greeting`and checking students’ adtendence: Total: In: ......... Out: .......... .
2-Checking the old lesson
3-New lesson:
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
Warmer (5'): Kim's game
? Look at the pie chart on page 8 in 20 seconds and try to remember as many words as possible.
- Teacher divide the class into two teams.
? Go to the board and write the words
- Teacher gets feedback
-> Today we are going to learn some more leisure time on an average day in the US
- Look at the pie chart only
- Work in groups
- Write on the board.
I. Vocabulary (15')
1. Teaching vocabulary
- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia)
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary
* Checking vocab: Slap the board socialize (v): xã hội hóa, tổ chức theo phương thức XHCN
bracelet (n): vòng đeo tay
broccoli (n: bông cải, xúp lơ
origami (n): nghệ thuật xếp giấy Nhật Bản
- Repeat in chorus and individually
- Copy all the words
2. Look at the following pie chart on leisure... (1 P8)
- Before starting the lesson explain what a ‘pie chart’ is and how each slice can be calculated as a percentage of the whole. Give Ss some simple statistics and make a pie chart with them as a class.
- Work in pairs to examine the pie chart closely in order to understand its contents, including the heading, subheadings, figures, color codes, source and notes.
- Answer the questions that follow the chart.
- If necessary, T may elicit information by asking question such as:
-What is the pie chart about? Where can you find the information?
-What do the different colored sections of the chart refer to?
-How are these sections calculated?
-What does the ‘Note’ tell you?
-What does the ‘Source’ tell you? - Listen
- Pair work
1. In 2016, people in the USA spent 5.1 hours a day on sport and leisure activities.
2. The main activities they did include watching TV, socializing and communicating, reading, participating in sports, exercise and recreation, using computers for leisure, relaxing and thinking.
3. The three most common activities were watching TV, socializing and communicating and using computers for leisure.
3. Complete the table...( P8)
? Work individually to complete the task.
- After giving corrective feedback, draw their attention to the parts of speech of the words mentioned
- Then introduce the concept of gerund - Give Ss some examples where a gerund is transformed from a verb and used as a noun.
e.g. relaxing comes from the verb relax with –ing added, and it refers to the activity
- A noun made from a verb by adding –ing
Name of activity Verb
communicating Relax
3.Look at the words. Match them... P8)
? Look at the words and try to guess what these words have in common.
? What is the common verb we often use with these?
? How can we use this verb to describe the activity?
? Who do we often do these with?
? Where do we often do these? Etc.
- Do not give correction at this step. Ask
? Work in pairs to complete the task.
- Once they have finished and T has given corrective feedback
? Add more words in each category. Do the task individually
1. homework 2. football 3. lesson
4. judo 5. science
1.e 2.b 3.f 4.a
5.d 6.h 7.c 8.g
- Group work
II. Pronunciation (15'')
/br / and / pr/
1.Complete the words under the picture... (P9)
? Work individually to complete this task.
? Work in pairs to compare their answers.
- Play the recording for Ss to check and then repeat. Pause the recording to drill difficult items.
6. Listen and repeat (P9)
- Have Ss practice the words with the clusters first.
? Then repeat the whole sentences.
- If time allows, ask students to cover their books and listen to the recording.
? Raise up your left hand, if it is cluster /pr/ they raise their right hand.
? Raise up your right hand, if it is cluster /br/ they raise their right hand.
Auto script:
1. Apricot 2. Bridge 3. Bracelet
4. Bread 5. princess 6. President
7. President 8. broccoli
- Do the task individually
Sound /∂ /: rode, don't, hope, homework, post
Sound //: some, Monday, month, come, one
- Write the poem and read aloud.
IV. Consolidation (2')
? How to make the sounds /pr/ and
/ br/
? Find some more words that have these two sounds
.V. Homework (2')
? Learn by heart all the new words.
? Do Ex A1, 2,3 P3 (workbook)
? Prepare: Unit 1: Closer Look 2 - Answer teacher's questions.
- Say out the words
- Take note