By the end of the lesson, students can:
- Listen and read for specific information about cultural groups of Viet Nam, practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to cultural groups of Viet Nam.
1. Knowledge:
a. Grammar :Questions : review
b. Lexical items : - Vocab: Diferent cultural groups of Viet Nam
c. Pronunciation: -Clusters: /sk/ /st/ and /sp /
2. Skills:
- Listening, Speaking, Reading,Writing and interactive skills
3. Attitude:
- Cooperation, respect, having right and friendly attitudes with friends, teachers in the new school
4. Quality and competence:
- Be confident and friendly with the new school environment
- Develope listening, speaking skills and cooperative interaction
1.Teacher’s preparation:
- Lesson plan, Pictures, posters ,textbook,CD-MP3(Computer-Multi projector/cassette/ “sách mềm”) and other materials
2.Students’ preparation:
- Textbook, notebook, school things.
- Pair work , individual work, group work, T-WC
1-Greeting`and checking students’ adtendence: Total: In: ......... Out: .......... .
2-Checking the old lesson
3-New lesson:
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
I. Warm up (5'): Describe pictures
- Review the previous unit by asking Ss to solve a crossword puzzle. Draw the crossword on a big piece of paper. Tell Ss that the red word is the key word of the new lesson. Divide the class into two teams. Ss from each team take turns to solve the puzzle. The game finished when a student guesses the red word correctly.
- Solve the crossword puzzle below.
1.I like to……buffaloes in the pastures.
2.The farmers are very busy during harvest…..
3.Have you ever ridden a….? You have to be brave to do it.
4.People in the countryside are often open and….
5…..was loaded onto a cart and transported home.
6.I think….life is more interesting than city life.
- Write the unit title on the board. Write the words/phrases ‘ethnic’, ‘ethnology’, and ask Ss to guess their meaning. T may also show a picture of a typical costume and talk about it with the Ss.
II. Presentation (10')
1. Vocabulary
- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia)
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary
* Checking vocab: Recall
- Work in groups
- curious (a) tò mò
- account for (v) giải thích
- ethnic (a) dân tộc
- minority (n) thiểu số
- region (n) vùng ,miền
- custom (n) phong tục ,tập quán
- Costume (n) trang phục
- awesome (a) – làm khiếp sợ
- terraced field (n) ruộng bậc thang
- heritage site (n) Di sản
1. Listen and read (p26)
* Set the scenes:
- Ask Ss to open their books to the lesson. - T can ask Ss prediction questions. For more able classes, T can brainstorm questions with Ss and write them on the board. Questions may include:
•What can you see in the picture?
•What can you see in the picture?
•What can you see in the picture?
•Do you know these characters?
•Where are they now?
•What are they talking about?
- Ss answer questions as a class. T plays the recording and has Ss follow along.
- T may want to ask Ss to track the dialogue with their fingers as they listen to the recording. Then come back to the earlier questions and have Ss answer them again. Do not give correction at this stage.
- Listen and read
III. Practice (20'')
1a. Find the opposite of these words in the conversation (p27)
- Ask Ss to the read the conversation again and do the exercise in pairs or in groups. T writes the correct answers on the boards.
- Work individually.
- Share answers with your partner.
- Teacher gets feedback
1b. Read the conversation again and answer the questions (p27(
- Go through the questions mentioned
- Have Ss work individually to answer the questions. Ss compare answers with a partner and then discuss as a class. Then correct the answers.
1c. Can you find the following ... (p27)
- Tell Ss to refer back to the conversation to find the expessions. Together with the Ss, elicit the meaning of these four expressions. Then give examples.
For more able classes, have the Ss provide the examples of when these expressions would be used.
- Individual work
1a. Key:
1. Interesting 2. Largest
3. Minority 4. Southern
1. They are in the Museum of Ethonology.
2. They want to know about the ethnic groups of Viet Nam.
3. There are 54 ( ethnic groups ).
4. The Viet (or Kinh) have the largest population.
5. Yes, they do.
1d. Work in pairs... (p27)
- Ask Ss to role-play the example conversation in pairs before creating their short role-plays. More able Ss can try to extend the conversation.
- Encourage Ss to use How + as many adjectives as possible. 1d.Key
1.Used as a reply, agreeing with what sb has just said,or emphasizing that it is correct.
2. How + adj/adv : used to show a strong reaction to sth
3. Used to show you understand what someone said
4. Used to show that you think something is great
Look out!
Help Ss distinguish the two words.
‘people’ is used as the plural of ‘person’ to refer to men, women, and children
‘people’: ethnic groups of people who belong to a particular country, race, or area
2. Use the words and phrases in the box... ( P27)
- Ss work in pairs and label each picture. Then let Ss read each word/phrase correctly. Check and correct their pronunciation.
1. five-coloured stickey rice 2. terraced fields
3. festival
4. folk dance
5. Open-air market
6. Musical instrument
7. costume
8. stilt house
3. Complete the sentences (P27)
- Work individually to do the task then compare their answers with a partner.
- Ss do the task by themselves. After that they swap their answers with a partner. T corrects as a class. Then let them repeat the words/phrases in chorus.
2.heritage site
3.stilt houses 4.festivals 5.member 6.terraced fields
IV. Production ( 6')
4.Game: Quick quiz (p27)
- Ask ss to work in pairs.
- Ask and answer, using these cues.
- Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
- T gives correction.
- T may call on some pairs to talk before the class.
1. Which ethnic group has the smallest population?
2. Do the Hmong have their own language?
3. Where do the Coho live?
4. What colour is the Nung’s clothing?
5. Which group has a ;arger population, the Tay or the Thai?
6. Whose arts are displayed at a museum in Da Nang?
V. Consolidation (2')
- Repeat the content of the lesson?
VI. Homework (2')
? Learn by heart all the new words.
? Do Ex (Workbook)
? Prepare: Closer Look 1
- Answer individually
- Take note