1. a. Fill in the blanks. Listen and repeat.
sleeping bag flashlight bottled water tent battery pillow towel
b. What do you use these things for? Ask and answer.
2. a. Two friends are messaging about their camping trip. Circle the things on the list Jill and Dove need to bring.
b. Read the messages again and answer the questions.
1. When is their camping trip?
2. What was wrong with Dave?
3. What do they need for their flashlight?
4. What don't they need to bring?
3. a Listen and repeat
b. Match the two halves of the sentences.
1. We need to bring flashlights
2. We should bring jackets
3. They don't have water at the campsite
4. We are going hiking
5. You need to bring some food
6. You should take a book
A. so you should bring some bottled water.
B. so we con see at night.
C. so you need to bring some boots
D. so you can eat lunch.
E. so you can read at night.
F. so we don't get cold.
c. Look at the table and write Tim's answers.
Jan: Should we bring a tent?
Tim: 1. Yes. we should so we have somewhere to sleep.
Jan: Should we bring bottled water?
Tim: 2. __________________
Jan: Should we bring jackets?
Tim: 3. __________________
Jan: Should we bring comic books?
Tim: 4. __________________
Jan: Should we bring food?
Tim: 5. __________________
Jan: Should we bring money?
Tim: 6. __________________
d. Now, practice the conversation with your partner.
a. Focus on the /ou/ sound.
b. Listen to the words and focus on the underlined letters.
soup pillow phone
c. Listen and repeat.
d. Read the words with the correct sound to a partner
5. Practice the conversation. Swap roles and repeat.
b. Practice with your own ideas.
6. a. You're preparing for a camping trip to Cot Tian National Park. Work in pairs. Look at the list and choose the five most important items to bring with you and give reasons why.
b. Join another pair and compare your lids. Did you choose the same things?