1. a. Fill in the blanks. Listen and repeat.
polluted clean populated
expensive cheap temperature
b. Use the words in Task a. to talk about a place you know.
=> Answer:
1. clean 2. populated 3. cheap
4. temperature 5. expensive 6. polluted
2. a. Listen to two students talking about some cities and circle the correct answer.
a. Kayla's project is about comparing...
a. cities in the USA.
b. cities around the world. c. countries.
b. Listen and circle "True" or "False."
1. The most populated city in the USA is Los Angeles. True/False
2. In 2019, nearly 9 million people lived in New York. True/False
3. Buford City is the smallest city in the USA. True/False
4. The most expensive city is San Francisco. True/False
=> Answer:
a. cities in the USA
b. 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False
3. Listen then practice.
Tokyo is the most populated city in Japan.
Utashinoi is the smallest city in Japan.
4. a. Read the article and choose the best headline.
1. Hanoi's Beautiful Landmarks
2. Hanoi Travel Guide
3. Hanoi's Rich History
Tom Bloke, June 15 Hanoi is the capital city of Vietnam. Over eight million* people live in Hanoi and it is the second most populated city in the country. The weather is not as hot as in the south and the coolest time of year is from September to November. This is one of the best times to visit. Hanoi is one of the oldest cities in Vietnam and has a long and interesting history. You can see many beautiful traditional Vietnamese and French buildings around the capital. Hanoi also has the most universities in Vietnam and you will find students from all around the country studying there. Although some restaurants are expensive in Hanoi, you can eat great food for a good price. You should definitely visit Hanoi when you come to Vietnam.
b. Read and answer the questions.
1. How many people live in Hanoi?
2. When should you visit Hanoi?
3. What styles of buildings con you see in Hanoi?
4. Are all restaurants expensive in Hanoi?
=> Answer:
a. Hanoi Travel Guide
b. 1. over eight million people
2. from September to November
3. traditional Vietnamese and French
4. No, they aren't.
5. a. Look at the table and compare the cities using superlatives and comparatives.
b. Compare your city with the cities in the table. Write a paragraph about Seoul (using the notes) or a city you know. Write 50 to 60 words.
Seoul Where it is: South Korea.
Capital city: most populated in South Korea
Weather: hot summers and cold winters
Famous for:
• modern buildings, palaces, old houses
• shopping malls
Other interesting facts:
• home of some of the biggest companies in the world
• many South Korean actors and singers live there
=> Answer:
Seoul is the capital city of South Korea. It's also the most populated city in the country. Seoul has hot summers and cold winters. It is famous for its modern buildings, palaces, and old houses. There are many shopping malls in Seoul. It is also the home of some of the biggest companies in the world and many famous South Korean actors and singers live there.