1. a) In which room can you find each of the appliances below? What do you use each one for? What powers them?
b) Read the definition. How many of the household appliances above are vampire devices?
=> Answer:
In the kitchen: kettle, fridge, toaster
In the bedroom: hairdryer, air conditioner, iron, lamp
In the livingroom: telephone, television
b) Vampire devices: fridge, television.
2 Look at the drawing and talk about the ways people waste energy in the house.
=> Answer:
The ways people waste energy in the house:
Take long bath
Leave the tap running
Don't turn off TV, light when leave the room.
Leave the fridge door open.
3. How can you save energy at home? Read the text and say.
=> Answer: I can:
Turn off unnecessary lights. ...
Use natural light. ...
Use task lighting.
Take shorter showers.
Turn the water off when shaving, washing hands, brushing teeth.
Fix that leaky faucet.
Unplug unused electronics.
Ditch the desktop computer.
4. Portfolio- Keep a learning log during this month. Write three entries per week on what you do to save electricity in your home.
=> Answer: HS tự làm.